Experience report of a patient

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Experience report of a patient

"Sport is good for me"

With atopic dermatitis, sport often makes the itching worse. Emmrick has suffered from atopic dermatitis for 10 years and therefore also from severe itching. Has he found strategies for doing sport anyway?

Emmrick started weight training about 1.5 years ago. At first he did strength training such as push-ups and pull-ups at home, then he went to the gym where he trains with friends. By motivating each other, counting sit-ups together and breaking records together etc., he hardly thinks about his symptoms any more. The short-term and sweat-inducing efforts that are common in weight training, coupled with the internal and external motivation, are a great distraction for Emmrick. During endurance sports (e.g. jogging), on the other hand, Emmrick has the feeling that he spends a lot of time thinking about his illness.

As the sweat in the eczema and any wounds causes severe itching, Emmrick takes a shower immediately after sport. He likes to take a warm shower because then he no longer feels the itching. He then applies a moisturizing lotion to his skin.

Emmrick has found a way to do sport despite her skin condition. How do you do it? What are your experiences?

Thank you Emmrick for sharing your story.