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Your Skin health
in focus

Skin health not only depends on the right care or therapy, it is also promoted by a healthy diet, exercise, mindfulness, and a healthy lifestyle in general. These topics are the focus of the SkinHealthCampus e. V. is a non-profit association that focuses on these topics and would like to provide you with information on these and other related subjects.

In focus

All about SkinHealthCampus and our range of topics

Do you have any ideas for researching the topic of skin health? Please contact us here

Current dates

In order to be there for you even over long distances, most of our appointments take place digitally.

If you are organizing an open day and would like to offer something on skin health – please contact us here.

Tips and tricks for chronic pruritus
Itchy skin
PD Dr. Claudia Zeidler, dermatologist

How can I deal better with pruritus in everyday life?
What measures can help me to alleviate the symptoms?

We cordially invite you to our online information event with skin expert Dr. Claudia Zeidler.

Register here by e-mail and we will send you a link to the event.

We look forward to seeing you.

Register with us by e-mail:
Dr. med. Claudia Zeidler,
Rehabilitation for chronic pruritus
Itchy skin
PD Dr. Athanasios Tsianakas, dermatologist

What can sufferers learn about dealing with pruritus in a rehabilitation clinic?

Find out for yourself.

We cordially invite you to our online information event with skin expert Dr. Athanasios Tsianakas.

Register here by e-mail and we will send you a link to the event.

We look forward to seeing you.

Register with us by e-mail:
Summer is just around the corner: skin and sun protection
Healthy skin
Dr. Lea-Sophie Stahl, Dermatologist

How do I protect my skin from the sun?
When and how often should I apply cream?

Find out for yourself.

We cordially invite you to our online information event with dermatologist Dr. Lea-Sophie Stahl.

Register here by e-mail and we will send you a link to the event.

We look forward to seeing you.

Register with us by e-mail:

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Media library

Discover publications, videos and much more in our media library!
Relaxation techniques and mindfulness for chronic pruritus

How do I integrate relaxation and mindfulness into my everyday life with pruritus? Dr. Christina Schut, psychologist and expert in chronic pruritus, answered these and many other questions at our lecture series for patients with chronic pruritus. Studies have shown that there is a connection between biopsychosocial factors and itching: internal factors - e.g. anxiety - [...]

Causes of chronic pruritus

What can trigger pruritus and are there any connections with other diseases? Prof. Sonja Ständer, an expert in chronic pruritus, answered these and many other questions at our lecture series for those affected by chronic pruritus.Chronic itching, i.e. itching that lasts longer than 6 weeks, is one of the most common and most distressing skin symptoms worldwide. Around 13 [...]

Rehabilitation for permanent itching

What can sufferers learn about dealing with pruritus in a rehabilitation clinic and how can I apply for rehabilitation? These and many other questions were answered by Priv.-Doz. Dr. Athanasios Tsianakas, Head Dermatologist at Fachklinik Bad Bentheim, answered these and many other questions at our lecture series for patients with chronic pruritus. Rehabilitation used to be called a "cure" and was used more for maintaining health or recovery [...].

Skin and care

Our last lecture in the "Skin health" series for this year was on the topic of "Skin and care". Dermatologist Dr. Lea-Sophie Stahl showed how we can support our skin with its various needs. Basically, the foundation of skin care is based on cleansing and nourishing the skin. The skin forms a layer of [...]

Sleep and itching

What happens in the body during sleep? What can we do to get a good night's sleep - especially when we are plagued by itching? Mr. Max Hansen, dermatologist, gave a talk on this topic and answered the questions. We humans "oversleep" about 1/3 of our lives, some animals even significantly more, and this [...]

Children's skin - for World Children's Day

We ran a campaign for World Children's Day! On World Children's Day, Prof. Regina Fölster-Holst, an expert in dermatology from Kiel, presented us with exciting facts about children's skin. She showed us how children's skin is structured, what atopic dermatitis is and what other infectious skin diseases can occur in children. In early childhood, the skin is [...]

Clinical studies: what's behind them?

How do new drugs for the treatment of chronic itching, for example, come onto the market? Have you ever taken part in clinical trials? Why are they carried out at all? Studies are essential for gaining scientific knowledge to develop new therapies and optimize existing therapies. First, the substance under investigation is tested on animals, then on humans in four [...]


The podcast from the Deutscher Neurodermitis Bund e. V.

Contact us

Do you have any questions?

Are you interested in our events?
Please feel free to contact us.

SkinHealthCampus e.V.


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