Skin health not only depends on the right care or therapy, it is also promoted by a healthy diet, exercise, mindfulness, and a healthy lifestyle in general. These topics are the focus of the SkinHealthCampus e. V. is a non-profit association that focuses on these topics and would like to provide you with information on these and other related subjects.
Do you have any ideas for researching the topic of skin health? Please contact us here
In order to be there for you even over long distances, most of our appointments take place digitally.
If you are organizing an open day and would like to offer something on skin health – please contact us here.
How can I deal better with pruritus in everyday life?
What measures can help me to alleviate the symptoms?
We cordially invite you to our online information event with skin expert Dr. Claudia Zeidler.
Register here by e-mail and we will send you a link to the event.
We look forward to seeing you.
What can sufferers learn about dealing with pruritus in a rehabilitation clinic?
Find out for yourself.
We cordially invite you to our online information event with skin expert Dr. Athanasios Tsianakas.
Register here by e-mail and we will send you a link to the event.
We look forward to seeing you.
How do I protect my skin from the sun?
When and how often should I apply cream?
Find out for yourself.
We cordially invite you to our online information event with dermatologist Dr. Lea-Sophie Stahl.
Register here by e-mail and we will send you a link to the event.
We look forward to seeing you.
SkinHealthCampus e.V.
We would be delighted if you would like to donate to our work:
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